This a CLEARANCE item as part of a "Going Out of Business Sale" with no refund or warranty options. These bags have a minor defect and are sold "As is".
We hate to throw away completely functional bags with a minor defect, so we're selling them at a significantly reduced price. Good for your wallet and the environment.
Note that this is a store closing sale and the only option for purchasing a Jet Pack 3.0 before Tessel closes its doors.
- Faceted panels that make a slight "crinkling" sound when manipulated. Hundreds of bags with this issue have been shipped to KickStarter backers around the world with no complaints to-date.
- Watch the videos on the home page to see what the "crinkle" sounds like when the panel of the bag is physically handled aggressively. Note that the bag is close to the microphone so that sound is slightly exaggerated. The second video is an example of the bag being loaded with items to show that the "crinkle" sound is minimal during normal use.
Feel free to contact us before your purchase with any questions.
Prices and shipping do not cover any additional country taxes or customs fees when shipping outside of the United States.
Our faceted laptop backpack combines unique aesthetic qualities and practical features to carry and protect your everyday essentials. Our proprietary tessellated panel provides lightweight tech protection, while coated fabrics and covered zippers help keep your essentials dry. Inspired by our childhood fascination with flight and taking aesthetic cues from stealth fighter jets.
Prices and shipping do not cover any additional country taxes or customs fees when shipping outside of the United States.